
Rumination Syndrome: Symptoms and Causes

Rumination syndrome is a rare disorder that affects 1 in 125 people. There are many misconceptions about rumination syndrome, and it is often misunderstood or misdiagnosed. Rumination disorder is characterised by repetitive regurgitation of undigested food. This blog will discuss the signs, symptoms, causes, and treatment options for rumination syndrome. At Unique Community Services, we provide tailored care for individuals with complex care needs. We understand the difficulty of rumination syndrome, and our compassionate clinicians work with individuals to overcome challenges and to bring independence and fulfilment to people's lives.

What Is Rumination Syndrome?

Rumination syndrome, also known as rumination disorder, is a condition that can affect infants, children and adults. The condition is recognised by repeated regurgitation of undigested food. Individuals may re-chew and swallow the food or spit the food out.

Individuals experiencing this eating disorder regurgitate food after almost every meal, and the regurgitation of food usually recurs daily.

Who Can Get It?

Rumination disorder can affect individuals of all ages and genders. However, infants, children, and young adults are most commonly diagnosed with the condition.

It is linked to individuals who experience anxiety and depression. Rumination disorder can also be mistaken as a gastrointestinal disorder.

How Rare Is It?

Recent studies report that 1 in 125 people experience rumination syndrome. However, it’s important to note that the condition is often underdiagnosed, and individuals might be experiencing rumination disorder without a diagnosis.

What Causes Rumination Syndrome?

The cause of rumination is currently unknown, and there is still ongoing research. Some hypotheses suggest that the condition occurs when the muscles and nerves within the digestive system are affected.

Other hypotheses suggest that rumination syndrome follows after stressful events, surgeries, or acute illnesses. Additionally, it is believed that the condition occurs along with mental-ill health or learning disabilities.

However, none of these theories has been proven to be accurate, and there isn’t one factor that can be underlined as the cause of rumination syndrome.

Signs and Symptoms of Rumination Syndrome

The main symptom of this rumination disorder is the regurgitation of undigested food, usually between a half hour to two hours after eating.

Other signs and symptoms might include:

  • Discomfort in the abdominal area or abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Visible weight loss
  • Dental issues
  • Dry or chapped lips mouth or lips

Both adults and children display the same signs and symptoms of rumination syndrome. However, adults are more likely to spit out regurgitated food, while children are likelier to re-chew and swallow.

The symptoms of this condition can be immensely difficult for anyone experiencing them. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide unconditional support, compassion, and empathy towards individuals with rumination disorder.

How is Rumination Syndrome Diagnosed?

To diagnose rumination disorder, a medical professional must conduct a physical exam and blood tests to rule out other underlying medical conditions that cause similar symptoms. Additionally, a medical professional must look into the medical history of the individual experiencing the symptoms of the condition.

Individuals will also undergo a specific evaluation to rule out other medical challenges, such as blockages or other gastrointestinal conditions. These evaluations include:

  • Upper endoscopy
  • Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • Gastric emptying test
  • Manometry
  • pH monitoring

In some cases, the process of diagnosing rumination disorder might take a longer period of time. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a strong support system or be someone’s support system during this challenging journey.


Unfortunately, due to a lack of knowledge and awareness of rumination syndrome – it is often misdiagnosed. This can pose a challenge for the individuals experiencing it because the misdiagnosis prolongs the treatment journey.

Some of the conditions that rumination disorder is often misdiagnosed with include:

  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Gastroparesis (delayed digestion)
  • GERD or heartburn
  • Functional dyspepsia


Different approaches may be used while treating rumination disorder. Diaphragmatic breathing training tends to be the most effective approach for children and adults.

Diaphragmatic breathing involves breathing techniques that help relax the diaphragm, which eliminates the need for regurgitation. However, diaphragmatic breathing is only one option, other treatments strategies for rumination disorder include:

  • Improving posture during or after food consumption
  • Minimising stress or distractions during meal times
  • Psychotherapy

The treatment journey can be challenging to navigate for many individuals. Hence, it’s essential for individuals to feel supported and understood during these times. Additionally, it’s important for individuals who are experiencing the condition to understand that healing is a journey and that there is an end to it.

The Negative Effects of Rumination Syndrome

Over time, rumination syndrome can cause other health concerns or conditions that can impact the general well-being of the individual experiencing it.

Rumination disorder can have specific effects on both physical and mental health.


People with rumination disorder tend to experience stress, which at times, can be immensely challenging. Hence, being supportive and helping individuals going through this experience is paramount.


The stress, anxiety, and physical discomfort can later lead to depression or other mental health concerns. This poses an additional concern because it makes it even more challenging to go through the treatment process while coping with additional difficult feelings.


There are cases where medical professionals report individuals experiencing hypertension (high blog pressure) during the recovery periods.

Risk Factors and Complications

One of the main complication and health concerns caused by rumination disorder is malnutrition. This is caused by the regurgitated food not being digested properly; thus, the nutrients don’t get absorbed. Additionally, the continuous regurgitation of food might result in vitamin deficiency, weight loss, and electrolyte imbalance.

Rumination disorder might also cause some detail concerns including:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease
  • Dental erosion

Therefore, it’s crucial for individuals experiencing rumination disorder to try to maintain good oral hygiene. However, we understand that people with rumination syndrome may experience depression, which can make practising good oral hygiene difficult.

Impact on Life

Rumination syndrome can affect the general well-being of the individuals experiencing it and poses an immense challenge in their everyday lives. Regurgitated food can be difficult to talk about and can lead to feelings of shame, isolation, guilt, and anxiety.

The disorder can impact the relationships between the individual experiencing it and their loved ones. Thus, it’s important to provide compassionate support and understanding.

How UCS Supports Individuals with Rumination

At Unique Community Services, our values of Family, Impact, and Teaming drive all the decisions and actions we take in the pursuit of our vision.

Our goal is to enable individuals experiencing complex care needs to live fulfilled and high-quality lives within their communities. Therefore, our professional clinicians take a humanised approach throughout the whole process. What’s more, we use positive behaviour support strategies and focus on finding the strength of each individual.

We understand the challenges that come with rumination syndrome, and we are aware of the immense support and care that are needed during the healing journey.

If you or your loved one need support during your journey, contact our offices in Bristol or Manchester for further information. 

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