
Mindfulness and Self-Care Strategies for Coping with Quiet BPD

Quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterised by internalised symptoms and behaviours that may not be as recognisable as those typically associated with classic BPD. While individuals with quiet BPD still experience intense emotions, the symptoms often manifest in more subtle ways. This is why it is essential to practice mindfulness and implement self-care strategies as a way of coping with quiet BPD. What are some of the techniques and methods? Continue reading to find out.

Defining Quiet BPD Characteristics

Quiet borderline personality disorder is usually characterised by a unique set of traits that manifest differently from the visible and outward symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Unlike people diagnosed with BPD who experience intense emotions outwardly and visibly, people with quiet BPD tend to internalise emotions and feel the stress without showing others, presenting a calm manner to others.

Quiet BPD symptoms are characterised by similar symptoms that borderline personality disorder has, which include feeling an unstable sense of self, confusion about people’s own beliefs and values, feelings of abandonment and emptiness and having challenges in establishing a sense of purpose.

Mindfulness Practices for Quiet BPD

For some people with quiet borderline personality disorder, utilising mindfulness practices in their daily routines is beneficial for managing conflicting emotions and fostering self-awareness. It is crucial to outline that mindfulness is a skill that requires patience, resilience, and, most importantly, practice. Encouraging individuals with quiet BPD to approach these methodologies with openness and acceptance means teaching patience and understanding that progress may be gradual. Still, it will ultimately lead to rewarding results, favourable outcomes, and, more importantly, emotional well-being and increased self-awareness.

Deep-breathing and Mindful Awareness

Mindful awareness and deep breathing techniques are also highly beneficial for people with quiet BPD in managing emotions, fostering a greater sense of self-awareness and reducing anxiety. Deep breathing exercises are known to help individuals with quiet BPD regulate the nervous system and reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress. Focusing on slow, deep breaths can activate the body’s relaxing response, promoting a sense of calm and stability.

When experiencing strong emotions, people with quiet BPD can learn these deep breathing techniques and focus on being present in the moment and distance from some overwhelming feelings, which is done by shifting the focus to breathing correctly and prevent to be consumed by emotions.


Meditation practices can help individuals with quiet BPD regulate their emotions more effectively. By observing their thoughts and feelings without judgment, they can develop greater awareness of their emotional states and cultivate the capacity to respond calmly and calmly. Meditation has been shown to reduce the levels of stress and promote relaxation. By incorporating meditation into their daily routine, individuals with quiet BPD can create moments of calm and tranquillity amidst the challenges of their inner experience.

Emotion Regulation

Emotional regulation is a crucial skill for individuals with quiet borderline personality disorder (BPD) to learn, as it can help in managing emotions more effectively and reduce the impact of emotional dysregulation. Encouraging individuals with quiet BPD to develop a toolbox of self-soothing strategies they can use when experiencing emotions may include taking a warm bath, listening to calming music, practising relaxation exercises, or engaging in hobbies that bring them joy and relaxation.

Engaging in Activities That Promote Focus

Activities that require focus can serve as healthy distractions from overwhelming emotions and intrusive thoughts. When individuals with quiet BPD immerse themselves in tasks that demand their attention, such as painting, writing, or playing an instrument, they can temporarily shift their focus away from distressing emotions, providing relief and a sense of control. Engaging in activities that require focus and concentration can promote emotional regulation by helping individuals with quiet BPD develop greater self-control.

Practical Self-Care Strategies

Fostering self-compassion helps individuals with quiet BPD to approach themselves with kindness, understanding, and acceptance, especially during moments of self-doubt as it allows people to build on their strengths. As a part of the community, we can all contribute towards supporting people with quiet BPD by reminding them that it’s okay to prioritise their own needs and well-being and that they deserve care and compassion, both from themselves and others. By incorporating some practical self-care strategies into daily life, individuals with quiet BPD can nurture their emotional well-being, build resilience, and improve their overall quality of life.

Creating a Daily Self-Care Routine

Creating a daily routine and following a schedule can provide individuals with quiet BPD with a sense of stability and predictability, which can help reduce anxiety and regulate emotions. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule, setting aside meal time, and incorporating self-care activities into daily routine improves overall well-being.

Also, taking care of physical health can significantly impact people’s overall well-being. Prioritising regular exercise, eating nutritious meals, and getting adequate sleep are key components in creating a daily routine. Physical activity, in particular, can help regulate intense mood swings, reduce stress, and improve overall mental health.

Developing Affirmations for Self-Encouragement

Encouraging individuals with borderline personality disorder to choose affirmations that resonate with them and repeat them regularly as part of their daily self-care routine is crucial for improving their well-being. Affirmations are most effective when practised consistently, with the potential to promote positive change. Over time, affirmations can help individuals with quiet BPD cultivate a more compassionate and empowering inner dialogue, leading to more excellent emotional stability and well-being.

Building a Supportive Network

Having a supportive network provides individuals with quiet BPD with validation and understanding of their experiences. Since the symptoms may not be as obvious to others, having supportive friends, family members, peers or even a licensed mental health professional who acknowledge and validate their emotions can help reduce loneliness and isolation as well as build lasting relationships.

Individuals with quiet BPD may experience feelings of shame and stigma associated with their diagnosis, especially if they fear judgment or rejection from others. Building a supportive network of understanding and non-judgmental individuals can help mitigate these feelings by providing a safe space for open communication and acceptance.

Embracing Challenges as Opportunities for Growth

Embracing challenges as opportunities for growth can be particularly empowering for individuals with quiet borderline personality disorder – one of the most common mental health disorder. Challenges often provide valuable opportunities for self-reflection and introspection. By confronting obstacles, individuals with quiet BPD can gain deeper insight into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for personal growth and developing interpersonal relationships. This increased self-awareness can empower them to make positive changes and cultivate a stronger sense of self.

Embracing challenges encourages individuals with quiet BPD to develop flexibility and adaptability in adversity. Instead of viewing challenges as insurmountable obstacles, they can approach them with curiosity and openness, exploring strategies and solutions to overcome them. This flexibility enables them to navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease and resilience and is beneficial as well when living with other mental health conditions.

Seeking Professional Guidance and Support

Seeking professional guidance and support is crucial in helping individuals cope with quiet BPD. It offers tailored interventions, validation, and skills training to manage symptoms and improve overall well-being effectively. Professional guidance from a mental health professional provides individuals with quiet BPD with a safe and supportive environment to explore their experiences, emotions, and challenges without fear of judgment or stigma. People can learn techniques to overcome challenges associated with their personality disorders, such as black-and-white thinking and risk factors like self-harm.

Therapists who specialise in treating BPD, such as those trained in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or schema therapy, can offer evidence-based mental health treatment that targets specific symptoms and help individuals develop coping strategies to navigate difficult situations.

Furthermore, seeking professional guidance and support provides individuals with quiet BPD access to specialised skills training to enhance emotional regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance. Therapists can teach practical skills such as mindfulness, emotion regulation techniques, assertiveness training, and interpersonal effectiveness skills to help individuals manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. Through structured therapy sessions and homework assignments, individuals can learn and practice these skills in a supportive environment, gradually building their capacity to cope with life’s challenges.

Unique Community Services Support People with Mental Health Difficulties

Unique Community Services focuses on delivering person-centred care through our highly trained clinicians’ expertise and compassion, reflecting our humanised commitment to proper support and care. We prioritise people’s mental well-being and help them lead more independent lives and regain purpose in life.

Our team delivers personalised care across the UK with offices in Manchester, Bristol and Leeds.

Contact us today so we can create an unparalleled care plan tailored to your loved one’s needs and provide you with other proactive mental health resources.

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A seasoned SEO Content Writer with more than five years of writing experience in the healthcare industry. She derives value from creating high-quality content that spreads awareness about mental health and people’s well-being.

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