
William’s Holiday Support


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Today, we want to share a success story and the unique journey of one of the families we support. This follow-up case study highlights the achievements and milestones William accomplished during a three-week holiday with his family and support team.

William’s Journey

Throughout his three-week holiday, William achieved personal success and important milestones. His support team implemented holistic strategies and helped improve William’s quality of life by creating a secure and predictable environment, both at home and during their holiday. 

This approach helped reduce his anxiety and behaviours that challenge, contributing to a positive change in him and his confidence. The consistent support helped William try new experiences and spend quality time with his family, creating unforgettable memories.

Jon, William’s father, shared his experience with us, expressing his gratitude for the support provided by three clinicians from Unique Community Services.

Jon wrote, “It is the first time in probably 8 years that Alison and I feel that we have had a genuine rest… This year, William’s experienced only a few minor behaviours of concern which were handled as professionally as we have come to expect from the staff.”

This was a significant milestone for William and his family, as they were able to truly enjoy and benefit from their holiday.

The Impact of Holistic Support

The presence of the support team not only ensured a secure environment but also allowed William and his parents to have a restful experience. Wiliams’s father, Jon, continues to explain that they no longer feel uneasy about going on holiday outside routines and away from familiar environments. 

“With Unique Community Services support, we all feel safe – something that all of us probably value above all else.”

Jon further shared how the relationship between the support team and the family has grown, “The clinicians from Unique Community Services were a pleasure to have with us. They feel part of our extended family and we trust them implicitly. They are changing our lives.”

Our clinicians understood the unique needs and requirements of William and his family and genuinely cared for their well-being. As a result, they managed to seamlessly integrate into the family’s daily routines and holiday activities. Their presence was not perceived as intrusive. Instead, they were received as a welcome addition to the family.

Jon further expressed this sentiment in his letter, writing, “Unique Community Services clinicians were a pleasure to have with us. As well as their professional side, we love them as individuals. They feel part of our extended family and we trust them implicitly. They are changing our lives.”

Jon’s letter is a testament to the approach we nurture at Unique Community Services. As a care provider, we strive to create an environment where our clinicians are not just carers but also become trusted and valued members of the families they serve. 

How Our Clinicians Changed Everything

Our team of three support workers, which the family already felt like an inseparable part
of their lives, used a comprehensive and collaborative approach.

William’s well-being was our team’s top priority. In order for the journey to work
smoothly and without running into situations that could cause behaviour that challenges,
they made an actionable plan for the whole duration of the holiday.
The support workers’ planning led to a trouble-free, 8-hour drive filled with fun activities
like William’s favourite word games.

They implemented daily strategy and coordination sessions with rotating leadership
roles. Each day, they chose a different team leader, ensuring that all team members
had the equal opportunity to manage daily interactions and communications with

The team identified and increased activities like frequent beach visits to enhance their calming effect on William’s well-being. Most importantly, maintaining a structured and
timely schedule kept William feeling as if he were at home.

This trio worked cohesively to address potential challenges and implement strategies
that resulted in a successful and enjoyable experience for William and his family.
“Abe, Adi, and Daniel were a pleasure to have with us. As well as their professional
side, we love them as individuals. They feel part of our extended family, and we trust
them implicitly. They are changing our lives.” – William’s father.

William’s Positive Outcome 

William and his family were able to go on holiday and feel secure that they had all the support they needed. This gave them confidence and reassurance, being able to spend quality time together and create long-lasting memories.

The professionalism of our clinicians, coupled with their compassionate and personable approach, enhanced William’s family dynamics and created a safe environment for the whole family.

The experience shared by William’s family reinforces our belief in the importance of personalised care plans and the relationship-building aspect of our service. We look forward to continuing to support William and his family in their journey and witnessing their success.

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William’s Holiday Support

How our support workers went above and beyond in providing person-centred care and supported William on his family holiday.
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