
Case Study

The Power of Integrated Care

Оur Registered Manager, Carol Taylor, and our Care Coordinator, Paula Howard

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William is young autistic man who loves spending time outdoors and playing word games with his support workers. With the right support, William reduced his behaviours of concern, increased his independence, and started living life on his own terms.

Learn more about William’s journey and the impact of holistic care through the eyes of our Registered Manager, Carol Taylor, and our Care Coordinator, Paula Howard.

Understanding William’s Needs

William is autistic, communicates differently and lives with a learning disability. Before meeting his support workers, he expressed his feelings and needs through behaviours of concern, which could be unpredictable and physical towards his family.

William’s father, Jon, was primarily responsible for supporting his son and needed additional assistance from skilled social care professionals. The family welcomed our team with open arms and expressed genuine trust in our ability to provide holistic care.

The team took the time to understand William’s behaviour patternsand his strengths, likes, preferences and needs. They worked alongside William’s family to gather insight and information to develop a person-centred care plan that would best suit William. The aim was to build upon William’s skills to enhance his independence and support him in living a fulfilling life.

The Journey

William’s family were dedicated to supporting him and helping him manage his behaviours of concern, which left little time to nurture a family dynamic that could help everyone thrive. They needed a robust support system and a team that William felt truly safe and secure with.

A holistic care plan was crafted to meet both William’s needs and his family’s needs. This involved a multidisciplinary approach, working alongside support workers, social workers, and our in-house therapy team, consisting of Positive Behaviour Support specialists, occupational therapists, and speech and language therapists. By gaining insights into William’s strengths, likes and preferences, we helped him enjoy his day-to-day activities and increase his independence.

The objective was to assemble a team of support workers committed to continuous improvement, dedicated to ongoing skills development, and fostering a culture of mutual coaching and encouragement. This approach was essential to ensure they could deliver the best possible care for William.

The Impact of Holistic Support

Developing a person-centred care plan required learning everything about William and gaining real insights from his family. The team was committed to supporting him and helping him improve his quality of life.

On the second day of supporting William, he achieved a significant milestone. For the first time in eight years, William was able to spend time alone with his support workers without needing additional assistance from his father. William’s father, who had always provided 24/7 support, immediately noticed a positive change in William.

The support workers effectively built upon William’s strengths and skills, engaging him in activities he loves, such as playing word games. William felt safe with his support workers and knew he could express his needs.

“It is the first time in probably eight years that Alison and I feel we have had a genuine rest… This year, William’s experienced only a few minor behaviours of concern which were handled as professionally as we have come to expect from the staff.”

The Positive Outcome

William is now learning to embrace his independence. He loves spending time with his support workers, who he considers part of his family. William enjoys more time outdoors, and participating in fun activities, like trampolining.

William and his family reached an important milestone together by spending three weeks in Scotland with his support workers. In the past, they only managed to stay on holiday for just under a week. With the right support, William was able to fully enjoy his holiday. He spent time swimming in the sea, taking long walks on the beach, and cherishing quality time with his family.

Additionally, William’s father started going to work for the first time in eight years, highlighting his trust in our team, which is dedicated to helping William live out his dreams and achieve his future aspirations.

“Unique Community Services clinicians were a pleasure to have with us. As well as their professional side, we love them as individuals. They feel part of our extended family and we trust them implicitly. They are changing our lives.”- Jon, William’s father.

Supporting William serves as a reminder that following a proactive approach and placing people at the heart of their care is essential for achieving positive outcomes.

Watch William’s documentary through the eyes of our Registered Manager, Carol Taylor, and Care Coordinator, Paula Howard and witness how collaborative care has empowered William to live life on his terms.

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William is young autistic man who loves spending time outdoors and playing word games with his support workers. With the right support, William reduced his behaviours of concern, increased his independence, and started living life on his own terms.


How our support workers went above and beyond in providing person-centred care and supported William on his family holiday.


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William – William is a non-verbal, autistic individual with learning difficulties. When Unique Community Services started supporting William, the team learned all of his favourite activities so that they can focus on building a strong relationship.


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We believe that each person we support is unique and that our purpose is to share our caring nature as a source of understanding to those around us.